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Forecasting 6th-8th Grade

Forecasting 6th-8th grade 2024-2025


Rowe Course catalog

6th Grade Forecasting Form

7th grade forecasting form

8th Grade forecasting form


A Presentation for Our 2024-2025 Incoming 6th Graders

For the past seven years, our 8th grade WEB Leaders and Shamrock News students have created a presentation about Rowe Middle School to give to our fifth grade in our elementary feeders to let them know what to expect in middle school. This year, we unfortunately were unable to go to the schools and deliver the presentation. However, our students still got the project completed, and if you're a student entering 6th grade next year or a 7th or 8th grader coming to Rowe for the first time, check out the slides and videos to get an in-depth look at what life is like at Wilbur D. Rowe Middle School.