If your student is going to miss school for any reason please contact the school attendance office by phone or email so we can properly mark your students attendance. If you are planning to pick your student up early please contact the office with students name and what time you would like them in the office.
Attendance Hours: Attendance voicemail line is available 24 hours a day at 503-353-5748.
An important part of the student’s preparation for adult life is to develop a positive attitude toward attendance through a responsible attendance pattern in school. We believe that every course emphasizes the participation of students and needs their committed, regular presence to allow for the greatest educational success. No classroom activity or experience can ever fully be replicated outside that time and place of its environment. As a result, students need to miss as few classes as possible. Student absences can hamper course progress and lead to increased work for students and teachers in attempting to make up for lost experiences. Oregon Law (ORS 339.065) requires regular attendance. Parents or guardians of a child who has not completed the twelfth grade are required to enroll the child and maintain the child in regular school attendance. ORS581-023-0006(4), (6) requires school districts to withdraw from the school’s active enrollment, any student who is absent for ten (10) consecutive days. Automated Absent Phone Calls will be made to parents/guardians at the following times: Between11:05-11:35 (one hour later on Wednesday late start)
Excused Absences
- To request that an absence be excused, a student’s legal parent or guardian needs to contact the attendance office: 503-353-5748. The request for the excuse should be done prior to (if possible), or on the day of, the student’s absence. Requests to excuse absence can be left on the voicemail of the attendance office 24 hours a day. 503-353-5748
Arriving to School Late
- A student arriving to school late (more than 15 minutes) may only be excused from their missed class(es) for one of the above reasons and by a phone call (or personal appearance) from their legal parent or guardian at, or prior to, the student’s arrival at school. Students will be required to receive an admit slip from the Attendance Office before they are admitted to class. We encourage students to keep their copy of their late arrival/early dismissal slip for their own record.
- A student who arrives late without being excused will be counted as unexcused.
Unexcused Absences
- Any absence from school without parent consent, that doesn’t meet the attendance guidelines, or leaving campus any time during the school day without following school procedures will be counted as unexcused.
- Some examples of unexcused absences include:
- Leaving school without signing out at the attendance office.
- Being absent from school without permission of parents.
- Being absent from class without permission.
Homework Request
- Students can find their assigmnets in their Google Classroom or contact the teacher directly to request any work.