Rowe Middle School Fees:
Students who are unable to pay may consult with the appropriate teacher or advisor for scholarships. Fees for athletics and classes will continue to be waived for students who qualify through the Free and Reduced Meals program. Please click HERE and and fill out the Student Waiver Form. If you need a physical copy of them form, please come to school's main office.
We are now using ASBWorks as our Parent Payment Portal, where you will be able to pay your fees online.
No Extra fees are charged for online payments.
- Families can make payments anywhere, at any time on any device. If you are using two devices, ie phone or laptop, please use the same email for each. This will enable you to verify your account.
- This Parent Portal will be the same throughout your students' education, as long as they are enrolled in the North Clackamas School District.
- Families can pay for all their students' school related fees at the same time even though they are at different schools except the following fee: Food Service Payments (done in LINQ)
- Going forward, Families will be able to access all payments and purchase history from their account.