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Community Update


Important Dates 

  • 1/28: BSU & AAPI Field Trip to the movies | MHS Performing Arts Assembly 3pm
  • 1/31: No School -Grade Prep 
  • 2/13: BOC Concert 7pm
  • 2/17: No School - Presidents Day 
  • 2/20: Principal Coffee Chat 9:45am
  • 2/21: Exclusion Day | Black History Month Assembly 9:45am
  • 2/24: No School - Teacher In-Service Day
  • 2/26: 8th Grade Night at Milwaukie High School 6pm
  • 3/20: Principal Coffee Chat 9:45 | Affinity Group Family Night 5:30pm 
  • 3/24 - 3/28: Spring Break 

Weekly Update 1/24

Dear Rowe Families,

Next week is the last week of Semester 1, please make sure you are checking your students grades on Parentvue and reaching out to any teachers that you have questions or concerns about.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this evenings dance possible. We appreciate ALL of our parent volunteers and could not do it without you.

We will be working on organizing our 8th grade promotion committee. If you are interested in joining the committee please email Marian Kahler at

Thank you,


Weekly Update 1/3

Dear Rowe Families,

We hope that you all had a restful break and ready to kick off 2025. We look forward to welcoming back our students on Monday, January 6th. Please remind students that their chromebooks should be charged, cell phones ready to go in their yondr pouch and that we are 24 days away from Semester 1 ending.

Now is a good time to be checking in your child's teachers on missing assignments, checking google classroom and parentvue.We will be working on organizing our 8th grade promotion committee. If you are interested in joining the committee please email Marian

Thank you,


Rowe Volunteering

Thank you to those of you who have signed up to help volunteer at Rowe. It is making a difference. There are still shifts available. If interested please complete the steps below:

  1. Complete the district volunteer application HERE.
  2. Sign up for shifts you can help with on help counter HERE. Once you click here, you will need to set up an account if you do not have one.

We appreciate you helping us build a community for students to feel safe, calm and predictable.

Thank you, Emily

Save the Date - MHS 8th Grade Day February 26th 6:00pm

You're invited! Please join us for a fun filled 8th Grade Night at Milwaukie High School. See the campus, learn about 9th grade forecasting, meet our awesome staff, enjoy some good food, win some prizes! Can't wait to see you there!

Milwaukie High School | 2301 SE Willard St. | Milwaukie, OR. 97222 |503-353-5482


MHS 8th Grade Night Flier 2/26/25 6:00 - 8:00pm


MAA - Milwaukie Academy of the Arts


MAA - Milwaukie Academy of the Arts

Application & Deadlines

Each year at Milwaukie Academy of the Arts, we:

  • Enroll about 100 students per grade level
  • Prioritize siblings of current MAA students
  • Prioritize students living within the North Clackamas School District
  • Welcome non-district students, as space allows by weighted lottery.

Applications are due before or on March 14 (for the following school year).

Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. If we receive more applications than the available seats, additional applicants will be placed on a wait-list. Secure your spot today!

Now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year!

MAA Open House Dates: February 19, 2025 @ 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Get Our Application. MAA's application is currently available in five languages:

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please contact the MAA Administrative Assistant, C.Lo Erickson Alston, ericksonalstonc@nclack.k12.or.u


OregonLive The Oregonian

At Rowe Middle School in the North Clackamas School District, where about one-third of the student body is Latino and more than 20% need special education services, students are not yet back to 2019 achievement levels, but across all three grades, they’ve shown measurable — and at some grade levels, dramatic — growth in each of the past three years in math and in English

Sixth grade math and science teacher Tim Hays and seventh grade English teacher Christina Burns said their struggling students benefit from daily time carved out from grade-level lessons to focus on individual learning gaps.

The school has also begun training its teachers in the kinds of reading instruction more commonly found in elementary schools, focusing on the grammar and comprehension lessons that current middle school students may have missed during the months of online school and the readjustment to full-time in-person school in the 2021-2022 school year, when COVID-era protocols were still in effect.

Teachers at Rowe also sit down with every student each fall to talk through the results of standardized check-in tests, so students understand exactly where they stand and can help pinpoint their growth goal for the year ahead. That information is shared during parent-teacher conferences, too, instructional coach Jennifer Martin said, so parents are very clear about where their child may need help.

“It’s about instilling that growth mindset in kids,” Rowe Principal Emily Moore said. “We say, ‘It’s okay that you are not where you’re supposed to be. Our job, which we’re doing together, is to work on getting you where you need to be. And every little bit helps.’”


North Clackamas Rowe Afterschool Program

2024-2025 Rowe Afterschool Program Registration Open Now


Hey Shamrocks! Rowe Afterschool Program registration is now OPEN!

Welcome back to Rowe's Afterschool Programs! We are excited to get started with Preview Week September 23rd-27th. Come learn more about the afterschool program and hear from staff and community partners what will be happening afterschool every day. Visit the different activities and choose the ones you want to participate in.

Registration is open! CLICK HERE to fill out the Google Form to register your student for the program and sign up for the afterschool bus.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES (will continue to be updated!)

  • Mondays- Math tutoring, Soccer, eSports Leagues
  • Tuesdays-Math tutoring, Turn It In Tuesdays!, Basketball, Fuego, D&D, Tabletop Games
  • Wednesdays-Math tutoring, Rock Band, Art & Drawing Club, D&D, Fuego, Tabletop Games, eSports Leagues
  • Thursdays-Math tutoring, Basketball, Unity, D&D, Tabletop Games, Chess Club
  • Fridays-Rock Band, Teen Advisory Council, Volleyball, eSports Leagues

Important Reminders

Please remember that students MUST be registered for the Afterschool Program to stay on campus after the bell rings. ALL students must check in directly after school with Afterschool staff in the cafeteria. Students not riding the bus must have permission to walk/ride bike/skateboard home or be picked up by a caregiver by 6:05pm.

If you have any questions at all please email



NEW Chromebook Insurance Program

NCSD has adopted a new Chromebook Insurance option for all Middle and High School families. This program provides an inexpensive solution for families to reduce the financial burden of accidental damage or theft of district issued devices.

We strongly encourage enrollment in this program as it saves families money and simplifies the repair and replacement process for our technology professionals.

Please carefully read through the details of the program in the Enrollment Form that is attached to this post. A form is required in order to ACCEPT or DECLINE the insurance.

If you choose to enroll in this program, please submit the form, then visit Rowe Webstore to pay the $25 enrollment fee. THE INSURANCE IS NOT ACTIVATED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED.

If you have more than one student, the form will prompt you to fill it out for each student. Please complete the Enrollment Form below by Friday, September 6th, prior to your student getting their chromebook. Chromebook Insurance Form


NCSD offers fee waivers to families that meet specific ODE Income guidelines.

Fee Waivers help ease the financial burden of any Board Approved Student Fees AND this includes the $25 Chromebook Insurance Fee. To learn more about Student Fee Waivers and submit a request form, please visit: NCSD Student Fee Waiver Information


Attendance with green checkmark

Enter Attendance through ParentVue

Did you know you can now submit your student's attendance through your ParentVue app/account? Log into your ParentVue account and you will see a blue button next to your student's name. Enter the date(s) the student will be missing, the reason and then click save. This feature is only for a FULL day absence, you will not be able to submit partial absence. You will need to call the attendance line at 503-353-5725 option 1 or send an email to  




The White House at night.


Rowe 8th Grade East Coast Trip

8th Graders! Join Ms Larson for an adventure of a lifetime! The East Coast Trip to our Country's capital in the District of Columbia and the Big Apple, New York City. The trip dates are 6/20/25-6/25/25.  For more information contact Sabrina Larson at



Rowe PTA

The Rowe PTA aims to support the students, staff, and families of the Rowe community through the facilitation of connection, fundraising, and good humor. Membership is not required to attend monthly meetings, but anyone interested in becoming a voting member of the PTA can find sign-ups here: Fees are $17.50 for the 2024-2025 school year, but if this acts as a barrier for your family, please contact the PTA directly by email at
  • Next PTA meeting: Wednesday, January 15th at 6:00 in the Rowe Library.
  • Here is the LINK to the Rowe PTA Blast for this week.
  • Positions we are looking for is Interim Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator, and someone to help coordinate the monthly dine-out nights.  
  • Anyone interested in volunteering opportunities is encouraged to begin the application process now by visiting this link: NCSD Volunteer Page
  • "Pre-approval via North Clackamas District is required."
All students eat free

Free meals for the 2024/25 School Year

All enrolled students of Rowe Middle school are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the 2023-2024 school year. No further action is required of you. Your children will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay for meals or submit an application.

If you are in need of assistance with school & athletic fees, please fill out the following waiver form and submit to or bring it into the school office.


blue backpack with school supplies in the backpack 

School Supplies

We are offering a box containing the required school supplies (listed below) for $20.00 or $25.00  which will include all supplies listed below and a $5  donation to classroom community supplies. 

Required School Supplies:

  • 12 Pocket Project Organizer w/pencil pouch
  • #2 Pencils - Ticonderoga 12ct.
  • 4 Ballpoint Pens (black or blue) 
  • 4 colored highlighters (yellow, green, pink, blue) 
  • 5 - 1 subject spiral notebooks (college ruled) 
Recommended School Supplies
  • Glue Stick
  • Colored Pencils
  • Corded headphones for Chromebook
The school would also appreciate the following donations:
  • 2 Boxes of Tissue
  • 2 Reams of White Printer Paper
  • Additional supplies may be requested by some teachers
ParentVUE app logo

Verify Your ParentVUE Account Today! 

Please log into your ParentVUE account today and confirm/verify your student's enrollment. This is to make sure that all emergency contacts are up to date along with parent/guardian contact information. This can be done your smart phone with the ParentVUE app. 

Shamrock Supporters

Do you have a little extra time on your schedule and are you looking to make a difference for our school community? If you answered yes to both of these questions we are looking for you. We would like to begin to compile a list of Shamrock family volunteers that would like to come in and help make our amazing School Community even better. If you are interested in potentially volunteering to help in the office, library, hallways and lunch duty, please fill out this Google FORM and we will follow up with you on how you can help!


Student Responsibilities:

1. Come in everyday prepared to learn. 2. Arrive to school on time - each day. 3. Bringing items to school that support a positive learning environment and is intended for learning. 4. Knowing and following guidelines for student behavior. 5. Working hard to do their best in class and with school work. 6. Learn and resolve conflict in positive ways. 7. Showing respect for and cooperating with other students and adults. 8. Engage and be a positive member of the learning community. 9. Treat others with respect and dignity. 10.  Students need to come to school with their computer charged or bring their charger to school.

Cell phones: Cell phones are expected to be turned off and put away from the time they enter the doors of the school until the bell rings at the end of the day (9:15am - 4:05pm).  If cell phones or earbuds are visible they will be confiscated.  After the 3rd time a family member will need to come pick up the phone or ear buds at school in the main office. If you need to contact your child, please do so through the front office. 

Outside items: Rowe does not allow stuffies, sports equipment (we provide recess equipment) toys, personal electronics, fidgets etc…  If a student comes to school with outside belongings these items will be kept in the main office until the end of the day. We are trying to cut down on distractions to the learning environment.

District dress code from district: 

Responsibility for dress and grooming rests primarily with students and their parents; however, the district expects student dress and grooming to meet standards which ensure that either of the following conditions do not exist: Disruption or interference with the classroom learning environment , threat to the health and/or safety of the student concerned or of other student.


Tardies, and skipping can result in lunch detention. Chronic tardiness or skipping can lead to in school suspension.  Refusal to go to class will result in either: lunch detention, in school suspension, or if chronic and not listening to administration the student may serve out of school suspension. Students cannot leave the classroom the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of each class.  The first and last 10 have critical information that students need to be successful in the classroom. 


Due to liability, once the school day has ended, students need to either leave campus or register for the Boys and Girls Club after school program.   ROWE educators have left the building and this leaves a lack of supervision due to this, all students not in the after school program must leave the premises.

Harassment and Bullying:

Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property. 

Creating a hostile educational environment, including interfering with the psychological well-being of the student, and may be based on but not limited to the protected class of the person.
“Protected class” means a group of persons distinguished, or perceived to be distinguished by race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, familial status, source of income or disability. 

Cyberbullying: The use of any electronic communication device to convey a message in any form (text, image, audio or video) that defames, intimidates, harasses, or is otherwise intended to harm, insult or humiliate another in a deliberate, repeated or hostile and unwanted manner under a person’s true or false identity. 

Words or symbols that are racially harassing are prohibited within our school environment. Prohibited symbols include, and are not limited to, the image of a noose, a Neo-Nazi swastika or the Confederate flag. Displaying racially harassing symbols to other students or staff, or where they can be viewed, such as on a bumper sticker on your car in the school parking lot, regardless of intent is disruptive to the education of other students and will not be tolerated.

District Policy

Electronics: Personal Electronic Devices used in violation of law, Board policy, administrative regulation, approved school rules or that may be a disruption of the school environment may be confiscated and turned into the school office. The PED may be returned following parent notification, conference, detention, suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement officials as appropriate.

Weapons Policy Reference: 

Weapons: Students shall not bring, possess, conceal or use a weapon on or at district property, including all facilities, grounds, vehicles or at school or district sponsored events. Students found to have brought, possessed, concealed or used a firearm in violation of this policy or state law shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year and be referred to law enforcement, as appropriate. All other violations of the policy may result in discipline up to and including expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement, as appropriate.

Levels of Intervention/ Consequences for Student Behavior: (5 referrals trigger family meeting)

  • Level 1: Classroom Support and School Based Interventions 
    • May or may not involve parents or guardians. We aim to correct the behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior while keeping the student in school.
  • Level 2: Administrative Staff Intervention
    • Appropriate when supports have been put in place but the behavior has continued to negatively affect learning. 
  • Level 3: Suspension and Referrals 
    • Appropriate when interventions and supports have been put in place, but the behavior is escalating/repeating. Severity of the behavior. 
  • Level 4: Extended Suspension and Expulsion 
    • Appropriate when the student’s behavior seriously affects the safety of themselves or others in the school environment.
  • Level 5: Law enforcement and Public Safety Officer

These agencies may be contacted. We aim to teach correct or alternative behavior. Appropriate when a situation is deemed dangerous or a law may have been broken. 


Family Support Center at Wichita Center (family support)

(503) 353-5663 | Wichita Center

Wichita can support families with: 
 ● Food ● Clothing ● Housing ● Parenting ● Family Safety ● Individual and Family Counseling ● Domestic Violence 
 ● Food Stamps ● Medical Care ● Dental Care ● Oregon Health Plan/Medical Insurance ● Housing/Utility     


Principal: Emily Moore: 
Assistant Principal: Brian Chatard,
Assistant Principal: Harold Acevedo,


Milwaukie High School's Health & Wellness Center

Hey Shamrocks! Did you know that Milwaukie High School’s Health and Wellness Center offers all the services your regular doctor’s office does as well as dental and mental health services completely free of charge?
Yes, that’s right! ALL North Clackamas School District students can access the health center’s services regardless of insurance status. The Health and Wellness Center is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-4pm and Friday from 8:30am-12pm. Call 503.353.5847 or email to make an appointment.Virtual or phone language interpretation services are available.
We are located on Milwaukie High School’s campus directly to the left of the main entrance and across from Milwaukie Academy of the Arts.
Need help getting to your appointment? Call 503.353.5847 for assistance!

¡Hola, Shamrocks! ¿Sabían que el Centro de Salud y Bienestar ofrece todos los servicios que su doctor o médico principal, además de servicios dentales y de salud mental completamente gratis?
¡Sí, es cierto! TODOS los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de North Clackamas de cualquier edad tienen acceso a los servicios del centro de salud, aun si no tienen seguro. El Centro de Salud y Bienestar está abierto de lunes a jueves de 8:30 am a 4 pm y los viernes de 8:30 am a 12 pm. Por favor llame al 503.353.5847 o envíe un correo electrónico para hacer una cita. Servicios de interpretación virtuales o telefónicos están disponibles.
El Centro de Salud y Bienestar está en el campus de Milwaukie High School directamente a la izquierda de la entrada principal y enfrente de la Milwaukie Academy of the Arts.
¿Necesita ayuda para llegar a su cita? ¡Llame al 503.353.5847 para obtener ayuda!